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Headshot of Dan Jin, PhD

Dan Jin

Assistant Professor


My research addresses two broad questions. First, how do social factors shape service inclusion and consumer transformative behavior? Second, how socially transformed experiences can psychologically attribute to the hospitality context? I study these questions with mixed methods research that combines statistical analyses of large-scale databases with critical incident-based consumer interview data.

My passion for research encompasses current social issues in hospitality. Some of my current research included topics related to consumption inequality, quality of life, LGBTQ representation in service, moral imperative, and ethical guardrails around service technology.

Specialization: consumer transformative research, reproductive service value co-creation, critical incident in service resilience

Curriculum Vitae


Classes Offered:

RHTM 311 – Talent Management

HTM 410- Strategic Planning and Stakeholder Analysis in Hospitality and Tourism


Headshot of Dan Jin, PhD

Contact Information